ISO 800 18 mm F 16 1/125
This was the first photo of my album that worked with my theme. The flowers and branches in the foreground lead the eye to the background over the ranging mountains and the loch. It brings a framing into the photo.

ISO 800 18 mm F 16 1/60
For this photo, I had to get the camera really low to the water. The rocks and branches bring the eye around from the foreground to the background. The water is clear and reflective to bring a calmness to the scene against the dark rocks.

ISO 800 44 mm F 16 1/160
This is a similar photo to the previous one, I really like these low to the ground/water photos.

ISO 800 18 mm F 16 1/60
Part 3 of the low to water photos.

ISO 800 18 mm F 16 1/80
Part 4 of the low to water photos.

ISO 800 27 mm F 16 1/100
I enjoy this photo because it brings some foreign colors like red and yellow with the fence and flowers. This brings a charm, a human element, and a divide in the photo where the rest of the photo would be just greens and blues.

ISO 800 29 mm F 16 1/100
Here is another low to the water shot but in a new location with a close foreground stretching out to reach the distant mountains. The water reflects on the plants in the pond, making it look like there is more of them then there are.

ISO 800 45 mm F 16 1/100
Another low to the water photo, kind of a theme here.

ISO 800 25 mm F 16 1/125
More water but not as low, the lines of trees help to divide the ranging mountains in the background. With the bridge on the left, it brings a slight angle to add more depth to the photo.

ISO 800 18 mm F 16 1/250
Instead of a water we got a rock in the foreground to add to the background, a little rock standing off against massive mountains.

ISO 800 30 mm F 16 1/320
This is my final photo with a bigger foreground than background instead, just to spice it up. The bend of the road and range of the closer mountains, to lead your eye to the mountain into the background.